Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Day 4 - The Missing Postcards

Blog House  4
How good it is to be in the house of the lord. How good it is to be in a hot bubble bath in a strangers house.
Steve the host for tonight welcoming a pilgrim.
A long day today wet and mostly flat with a few wrong turns.maybe 5 or 6 miles out of the way.  My first off road experience. But it's all off road. Lost some postcards and a fleece top.

Even the swallow  finds a home for her young. After 9pm bird song still sings. So still Lord. Plenty of surprises. Startled a single doe. A wheat field too but no bull  in the beware bull field pm sign posted. Tomorrow Glastonbury here we come.

Psalm 92

New every morning is the love
To sing praises to your name, the most high
It is good to give thanks to the Lord
In the day and when evening is nigh.

To you, O Lord, I sing my thanks and praise
To the melody of the harp and lyre
For you, Lord, have made me glad by your word
To sing of your words, I never tire

Y our words are great, O Lord, your thoughts are deep
The wicked cannot know, doomed nigh forever;
but though they flourish like grass
You, O Lord, are on high forever.

All evildoers shall be scattered
Our enemies shall before us flee
Whilst the righteous flourish
And blossom as a palm tree

Palm and cedars of Lebanon
Planted in God’s house in his sight
In old age they still produce fruit
The Lord is our rock, the most upright.

1 comment:

  1. What a surprise for us all that you lost something! I'm shocked!
