Friday, 1 July 2016

BLOG 1 July

A revised version of “O Jesus I have promised – for pilgrims and others (my new words in italics, where possible)
[nb I’m not trying to improve upon the original, far from it, but to make it relevant to my/our current situation]

As a complete aside, we watched the DVD "A Walk through the Woods" last night, based on the Bill Bryson book, which made me think of "wandering from the pathway" - it's worth watching for a laugh.
Lord Jesus, if I’ve promised
  To serve you  to the end
You promised to be near me
  As master and my friend
I shall not fear temptation
  For you are my true guide
And when I leave the pathway
  I’ll know you’re at my side.
Lord Jesus, you have promised
  To all who follow you
That if to you we hold fast
  In glory, we’ll be too.
And Jesus, I have promised
  To serve you to the end
To walk, to serve, to follow
  My master and my friend.
Lord Jesus we have started
  Our journey as your friend
Our hope’s  to follow duly
  Until our lives you end
So, then in heaven, espy us
  Look down on us to earth
Forgive, restore, uphold us
  By grace, not for our worth

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