Thursday, 14 July 2016

Blog 11 July Bp Auckland to Durham

More of a sermon today

As I approach Durham, I've been thinking a lot about silence - so I'm writing this in a pub with noisy music, a baby crying, sports news on TV and bar conversation in the background.
(It's raining - otherwise I'd be outside)
The phrase in my mind is (adapted slightly from) one of Michael Mayne's:

"God walking in the porticos of silence".

This author talks of us needing reserves of silence within us in order to be able to speak words of wisdom, and of God's presence in our hurting world.

I've also been recently reading of Aidan wandering the lanes looking for chance encounters to share God's word - presumably not in silence. He seems to have been a quiet, humble man.

Many would see us as being in troubled times as our government changes its sense of direction and leadership.
I am minded of Jeremiah (also read this am) talking about the need to plant vineyards, despite concerns for the future. In other words, get on with life and do what you can without too much regard for the future.

So, let's do what we can in a spirit of silence and waiting - trying to discover the wisdom of the age, to discern the spirit of the age, and how to preach God's word to it - even in the country lanes. Amen

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