A short blog to try to convey a spiritual experience I've been having as I've travelled from York to Northallerton (not Ainderby Steeple, nearby). My latest stay with a free church family has been significant, as have two Bible studies on Jacob wrestling and Ruth meeting Boaz.
In the middle of Fri (8th) I found a hedge to sit under in the shade (echoes of the Jonah story for those who know the less famous bit) and felt God empower me - partly to do with a previous decision, partly thinking and praying about the Parish (of Porlock) - and by implication the Benefice.
In a nutshell it's both my JOB and my JOY to be available for people.
Obvious stuff, really, but spoken afresh to me.
In a way, I'm different to how I was before,
perhaps I have been born over again, over again, over again!
I also had some thoughts on Poustinik/ia - but they can wait.
This was written in Catterick after a tough walking day - details to follow
- so it's not long before I leave Yorks and go into County Durham.
Northumberland here we come!
God bless, Pilgrim Bill
(as I got used to Stephanie from York calling me)
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